
Modern Ruby Syntax - update 1

Here’s a quick update on my progress with the email course for Modern Ruby Syntax:

  • I finished the numbered block params chapter (the first email in course)
  • I am close to finishing the draft for the endless method syntax email (the second one in the same course).

In the last two or three weeks, the progress has been slower than I expected because I worked to write some proposals for a couple of Ruby conferences in Europe, where I hope to speak about the Modern Ruby Syntax. Fingers crossed!

Numbered Block Params

The first round of feedback on the numbered block params email has been received, and I’m actively working on updates. It should be ready in an alpha state by next week.

The PDF version of the document, which is the most detailed version, is nearly 20 pages long. It covers everything from explaining numbered block parameters to providing examples of how to use them in your daily coding life. Additionally, it includes some style guidelines that I believe will help you write more readable code when working with numbered block parameters.

No worries, there email will be shorter as you always have the PDF attached for a deep dive.

Your feedback is invaluable!

If you’re interested in proofreading or just feedback on the numbered block params email, please email me at [email protected]. I’ll send you the PDF and eagerly await your insights.

Endless Method Syntax

I worked this week on writing the email for the endless method syntax. It is 80% done. I will also work on this one next week, try to finish it, and prepare it for feedback.

A video overview

In case you want to see a sneak peek at the content, I made a short video with the current status and talk about what each chapter contains:

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